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Saturday, June 1 • 10:30am - 11:30am
Do Your Research: The How and Why of Research in the Paranormal

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How do you do historical research in the paranormal? Do you do research before or after the investigation? What if you prefer to NOT know the history prior to investigating for reasons such as evidence and mediumship validation uncovered after the fact. How do you see if they line up with the actual hauntings/history? Our paranormal guests discuss this conundrum.

avatar for Tina McSwain

Tina McSwain

Paranormal, CAPS - The Charlotte Area Paranormal Society
I am a well respected paranormal investigator and researcher with over 20 year experience. I founded CAPS - The Charlotte Area Paranormal Society in 2005 and we are still going strong today. We take a scientific approach to the study of all types of paranormal activity.

avatar for Jason Tapp

Jason Tapp

All things Spooky in Charlotte NC! Jason runs an Instagram account and website that collects stories of Charlotte’s Haunted History, and show cases spooky subculture in town. He also cohosts “The Old North State Podcast” a North Carolina History and Folk Lore podcast.

Saturday June 1, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
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Attendees (5)